Board and Staff

Wenny Wallace, Board Member

I was born and raised in Hunan, China. I went to school at Sun Yat-sen University in Canton, where I majored in Library & Information Science. My passion for this field led me to further my studies at Humboldt University in Berlin, where I spent nearly six years immersing myself in various European cultures and discovering a profound appreciation for the arts.

After arriving in the US, I spent several years as an educator, teaching a variety of age groups. Since joining the Hayward Public Library, I’ve organized children’s art exhibitions and curated multiple art and cultural events for the Hayward Community, including the Lunar New Year celebration, May Festival, and Trunk & Treat activities.

To me, art serves as a universal language that fosters connections among people. Currently serving as a board member of the Hayward Arts Council, I am committed to working with all of you to enrich our diverse community with more art and music experiences.

I live in the East Bay with my wonderful (most of the time) teenage kids, artist husband, and shy dog Bei Bei. I derive joy from my work, reading, exploring new places, and occasionally embracing the serenity of doing nothing

P.O. Box 126, Hayward, CA 94543 - 510-538-2787 - -